[zathura] --synctex-forward change in 0.3.4
Sebastian Ramacher
2016-01-09 14:12:45 UTC
Hi All,
Can I find any documentation for the --synctex-forward mechanism?
There is some in the man page.
Suppose I run
zathura --synctex-forward 20:1:paper.tex paper.pdf
In 0.3.1, if an instance of zathura wasn't already showing paper.pdf,
this would fail with an unfriendly error message. In 0.3.4, it launches
a new instance if one isn't already running.
However, if you run
zathura --synctex-pid XXX --synctex-forward 20:1:paper.tex paper.pdf
then it succeeds (and exits immediately) if a process with ID XXX is
already showing paper.pdf, and launches a new instance with an error
message otherwise.
This makes things a little more inconvenient to script. (See my attached
hack script.) Can I suggest instead that if zathura is run with
--synctex-pid, then it *ALWAYS* returns immediately, and the exit status
signals whether it succeeded or failed.
Should be fixed with f1d027e656.

Sebastian Ramacher
Sebastian Ramacher
2016-01-10 16:03:31 UTC
Post by Sebastian Ramacher
Can I find any documentation for the --synctex-forward mechanism?
There is some in the man page.
Jump to the given position. The switch expects the same format
as specified for synctex's view -i.
However, I could find nothing on synctex's view -i (and don't know what
that means). I did get it working after searching the mailing list
and a little experimenting.
Run 'synctex help view' to get some info on that.

Sebastian Ramacher